About Us
Since more than three decades the founder mr.sc. Besnik Z. Nikqi, lawyer has been constantly involved in insurance claims activities and has furthermore raeleased several on-topic publications in this field. In 1990 was established the company IIC Assistance Prishtina, with the main focus on insurance loss adjusting, being the first company in this specific field on South Eastern Europe. Ever since our main activity was to offer specialized services regarding the green card motor insurance and recourse claims.

Our mission is to ensure the highest quality in international claims insurance field, in order to meet the needs and maintain the trust of our customers. Our commitment is to continuously improve the quality of service, to expand and reinforce our international office network between Kosovo and its surrounding countries.
- Insurance claims of all kinds: domestic and international
- Filing of claims: direct or reimbursement (recourse / subrogation) claims
- Investigation of facts and circumstances of insurance cases
- Legal assessment of facts, advising, support and assistance in insurance and all other indemnity cases
- Assignment and coordination of experts: for all areas of competence
- Insurance fraud: identification and prevention
- Litigation in insurance and indemnity claims as well as commercial disputes
- Legal services on criminal cases from road traffic accidents
- Drafting of insurance laws, regulation, etc.
- Trainings and tuition in insurance field
Our Clients ︾

Trust our experience
15K +
Recourse case served
2.5K +
Direct claims served
MoU TPL+, Border insurance Green Card Claims served
500 +
Investigation cases served
10K +
Damage assessment cases
2K +
Litigation cases served
10 +
Constitutional cases served
300 +
Mediation and consultancy